Articulos científicos
- 289- Manco Y, Poca M, Tobón C. 2024. Functional traits provide evidence of land use transformations of Tucuman-Bolivian forests at the catchment scale. International Journal of Biological and Natural Sciences. Link.
- 288- Medina Quispe, P.R.; Arizapana-Almonacid, M.A.; Nosetto, M.D. Changes in the Soil Organic Carbon of Grasslands in the High Andes of Peru after Their Conversion to Croplands and Their Environmental Controls. Grasses 2024, 3, 35-44. https://doi.org/10.3390/grasses3010004
- 287- Peri, P.L., Gaitán, J., Mastrangelo, M., Nosetto, M., et al. Soil organic carbon stocks in native forest of Argentina: a useful surrogate for mitigation and conservation planning under climate variability. Ecol Process 13, 1 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-023-00474-5
- 286- Pratzer, M., P. Meyfroidt, M. Antongiovanni, R. Aragon, G. Baldi, S. Czaplicki Cabezas, C. A. de la Vega-Leinert, S. Dhyani, J.-C. Diepart, P. D. Fernandez, S. T. Garnett, G. I. Gavier Pizarro, T. Kalam, P. Koulgi, Y. le Polain de Waroux, S. Marinaro, M. Mastrangelo, D. Mueller, R. Mueller, R. Murali, S. Nanni, M. Nuñez-Regueiro, D. A. Prieto-Torres, J. Ratnam, C. S. Reddy, N. Ribeiro, A. Röder, A. Romero-Muñoz, P. S. Roy, P. Rufin, M. Rufino, M. Sankaran, R. Torres, S. Vaidyanathan, M. Vallejos, M. Virah-Sawmy, and T. Kuemmerle. 2024. An actor-centered, scalable land system typology for addressing biodiversity loss in the world’s tropical dry woodlands. Global Environmental Change 86:102849.
- 285- Mastrangelo, M. E., S. H. Villarino, M. X. Sirimarco, S. Aguiar, G. Baldi, L. Enrico, L. Huaranca, and M. Vallejos. 2024. Moving from ecological impacts to social vulnerability in data-scarce places. Journal of Environmental Management 354:120266.
- 284- Grau, H. R., J. Foguet, and G. Baldi. 2024. A spatially explicit model of European colonization timing on the American ecosystems based on foundation dates of cities. GeoJournal 89:111.
- 283- Aragón, R., and G. Baldi. 2024. Ecosystem service research in the dry subtropics: Current state, temporal changes and drivers of regional variability. One Ecosystem 9:e118444.
- 282- Cingolani AM, Poca M, Whitworth-Hulse JI, Giorgis MA, Vaieretti MV, Herrero ML, Navarro-Ramos SE & Renison D. 2023. Los mosaicos de vegetación y roca maximizan los servicios hídricos en las zonas altas de montaña del centro de la Argentina. Ecología Austral. 33, 658-673. Link
- 281- Zaffaroni PT, Baldi G, Texeira M, Di Bella CM & Jobbagy EG. 2023. The Timing of Global Floods and its Association with Climate and Topography. Water Resources Research. 59, e2022WR032968. Link
- 280- Niborski MJ, Martin OA, Murray F, Jobbágy EG, Nosetto MD, Paez RA & Magliano PN. 2023. Modeling Rainwater Harvesting and Storage Dynamics of Rural Impoundments in Dry Chaco Rangelands. Water. 15(13), 2353. Link
- 279- Houspanossian J, Giménez R, Whitworth-Hulse JI, Nosetto MD, Tych W, Atkinson PM, Rufino MC & Jobbágy EG. 2023. Agricultural expansion raises groundwater and increases flooding in the South American plains. Science. 380(6652), 1344-1348. Link
- 278- Martínez Pastur G, Amoroso MM, Baldi G, Barrera MD, Brown AD, Chauchard LM, Galetto L, Garibaldi LA, Gasparri I, Kees SM, Matteucci SD, Politi N, Roig FA & Peri PL. 2023. ¿Qué es un bosque nativo en la Argentina? Marco conceptual para una correcta definición de acuerdo con las políticas institucionales nacionales y el conocimiento científico disponible. Ecología Austral. 33(1), 152–169. Link
- 277- Sánchez‐Murillo R, Todini‐Zicavo D, Poca M, Birkel C, Esquivel‐Hernández G, Chavarría‐Díaz MM, Zuecco G & Penna D. 2023. Dry season plant water sourcing in contrasting tropical ecosystems of Costa Rica. Ecohydrology. e2541. Link
- 276- Sosnovsky A, Fernández MV, Rechencq M, Lallement ME, Zattara EE, Cantet RJC & Feijoó CS. 2023. Factores que afectan las dinámicas de losarroyos andinos del norte de la Patagonia. Macroscopia 11, 30-37 Link
- 275- Whitworth-Hulse JI, Jobbágy EG, Borrás L, Alsina SE, Houspanossian J & Nosetto MD. 2023. The expansion of rainfed grain production can generate spontaneous hydrological changes that reduce climate sensitivity. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment.349, 108440 Link
- 274- Magliano PN, Breshears DD, Murray F, Niborski MJ, Nosetto MD, Zou CB & Jobbágy EG. 2023. South American Dry Chaco rangelands: Positive effects of cattle trampling and transit on ecohydrological functioning.Ecological Applications. e2800. Link
- 273- Novelli LE, Caviglia OP, Jobbágy EG & Sadras VO. 2023. Diversified crop sequences to reduce soil nitrogen mining in agroecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 341, 108208. Link
- 272- Scanlon BR., Fakhreddine S, Rateb A, de Graaf I, ... Jobbágy EG, et al. 2023. Global water resources and the role of groundwater in a resilient water future.Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. 4, 87–10. Link
- 271- Koritschoner JJ, Whitworth-Hulse JI, Cuchietti A & Arrieta EM. 2023. Spatial patterns of nutrients balance of major crops in Argentina.Science of The Total Environment858, 159863. Link
- 270- Andrade-Díaz MS, Piquer-Rodríguez M & Baldi G. 2023. Conservation opportunities for threatened paleochannel grasslands in the South American Dry Chaco. Journal for Nature Conservation. 71, 126306. Link
- 269- Llanes AL, Poca M, Jimenez, YG, Castellanos G, ... & Jobbágy EG. 2022. ¿ De dónde viene ya dónde va el agua de las ciudades? Base de datos integrada para 243 centros urbanos argentinos. Ecología Austral. 32(3), 1133-1149. Link
- 268- Diaz YR, Jobbágy EG & Marchesini VA. 2022. Neo-humedales en las llanuras agrícolas del Chaco Seco-Espinal argentino:¿ Cómo son, dónde se originan y qué hacer con ellos?. Ecología Austral. 32(3), 821-834. Link
- 267- Baeza S, ..., Guerra Lara M,..., Baldi G, et al. 2022. Two decades of land cover mapping in the Río de la Plata grassland region: The MapBiomas Pampa initiative. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment. 28, 100834. Link
- 266- Florio EL & Nosetto MD. (2022). A modeling approach to explore the influence of different crop rotations on water-table depths and crop yields in the Pampas. Soil and Tillage Research. 223, 105496. Link
- 265- Ríos C, Lezama F, Rama G, Baldi G, Baeza S. 2022. Natural grassland remnants in dynamic agricultural landscapes: identifying drivers of fragmentation. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation. Link
- 264- Milani T, Hoeksema JD, Jobbágy EG, Rojas JA, Vilgalys R, & Teste FP. (2022). Co-invading ectomycorrhizal fungal succession in pine-invaded mountain grasslands. Fungal Ecology, 60, 101176. Link
- 263- Doering C, Carini F, Sato M, Howard BJ, Harbottle AR, Brown J, Twining J, Velasco H. 2022. Updated soil to fruit concentration ratios for radiocaesium compiled under the IAEA MODARIA II Programme. Journal of Radiological Protection, 42(2), 020511. Link
- 262- Niborski MJ, Murray F, Jobbágy EG, Nosetto MD, Fernández PD, Castellanos G, Magliano PN. 2022. Distribución espacial y controles ambientales de las represas (tajamares) en el Chaco Árido. Ecología Austral, 32: 158-173. Link
- 261- Ferraina A, Baldi G, de Abelleyra D, Grosfeld J, Verón S. 2022. An insight into the patterns and controls of the structure of South American Chaco woodlands. Land Degradation & Development, 33:723-738. Link
- 260- Sanchez-Murillo R, Arias PG, Sánchez-Gutiérrez R, Esquivel-Hernández G, Salazar RP, Poca M. 2022. Exploring dissolved organic carbon variations in a high elevation tropical peatland ecosystem: Cerro de la Muerte, Costa Rica. Frontiers in Water, 3:742780. Link
- 259- Maertens M, De Lannoy GJ, Vincent F, Massart S, Giménez R, Houspanossian J, Vanacker V. 2022. Spatial patterns of soil salinity in the central Argentinean Dry Chaco. Anthropocene, 37:100322. Link
- 258- Magliano PN, Whitworth-Hulse JI, Cid FD, Leporati JL, Van Stan JT, Jobbágy EG. 2022. Global rainfall partitioning by dryland vegetation: Developing general empirical models. Journal of Hydrology, 607(15):127540. Link
- 257- Garcias Y, Torres Astorga R, Ojeda G, De los Santos Villa Lobos S, Tejeda S, Velasco H. 2021. Using Geochemical Fingerprints for Assessing Sediment Source Apportionment in an Agricultural Catchment in Central Argentina. Water 13: 3632. Link
- 256- Vaieretti MV, Conti G, Poca M, Kowaljow E, Gorné L, Bertone G., ... & Pérez‐Harguindeguy N. 2021. Plant and soil carbon stocks in grassland patches maintained by extensive grazing in the highlands of central Argentina. Austral Ecology, 46(3): 374-386. Link
- 255- Jobbágy EG, Pascual M, Barral MP, Poca M, Silva LG, Oddi J, Castellanos G, Clavijo A, Díaz BG, Villagra, P. E. 2021. Representación espacial de la oferta y la demanda de los servicios ecosistémicos vinculados al agua. Ecología Austral, 32: 213-228. Link
- 254- Meglioli PA, Villagra PE, Aranibar JN, Magliano PN, Jobbágy EG. 2021. Sensitivity of groundwater levels and chemistry to partial removal of vegetation in Prosopis woodlands of the Monte Desert, Argentina. Journal of Hydrology 598: 126264. Link
- 253- Magliano PN, Niborski MJ, Murray F. 2021. Cosecha de agua de lluvia en sistemas ganaderos extensivos de San Luis y La Rioja: estrategias actuales y desafíos futuros. COPIME 42: 13-18. Link
- 252- Murray F, Magliano PN, Niborski MJ. 2021. Revelando el potencial de la cosecha de lluvia en represas ganaderas del Chaco Árido. Horizonte agropecuario pampeano-puntano 120: 6. Link
- 251- Law EA, Macchi L, Baumann M, Decarre J, Gavier-Pizarro G, Levers C, Murray F, Kuemmerle T. 2021. Fading opportunities for mitigating agriculture-environment trade-offs in a south American deforestation hotspot. Biological Conservation, 262: 109310. Link
- 250- Velasco H, Anjos RM. 2021. A review of 137Cs and 40K soil-to-plant transfer factors in tropical plants.
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol.: 235–236.
- 249- Velasco H. Temporal Attenuation of Gamma Dose Rate in Air Due to Radiocesium Downward Mobility in Soil. Health Phys. 2021 Feb 1;120(2):163-170. doi: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001294. PMID: 33044422. Link
- 248- Alsina S, Nosetto MD, Jobbágy EG. 2021. Base de datos “napa”: primera síntesis de la dinámica freática pampeana desde 1950 al presente. Ciencia del Suelo 38 (2): 262-273.Link
- 247- Becerra AG, Daga C, Murialdo R, Faggioli V, Menoyo E, Salazar MJ. 2021. Algas y Cyanobacteria presentes en la rizosfera de plantas acumuladoras de plomo. Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 56: 3-16.
- 246- Jobbágy EG, Lorenzo S, Buono N, Páez R, Diaz Y, Marchesini V, Nosetto MD. 2021. Plants vs. Streams: Their groundwater‐mediated competition at “El Morro”, a developing catchment in the dry plains of Argentina. Hydrological Processes. 35(5):e14188. Link
- 245- Vitantonio-Mzzini LN, Gómez D, Gambin BL, Di Mauro G, Iglesias R, Constanzi J, Jobbagy EG, Borrás L. Sowing date, genotype choice, and water environment control Soybean yields in central Argentina. Crop Science 7: 1-14. Link
- 244- Ayala-Zepeda M, Díaz-Rodríguez AM, Cardoso R, Costa Muniz M, Torres-Astorga R, Bravo-Linares C, Meigikos dos Anjos R, Velasco H, Tejeda-Vega S, de los Santos-Villalobos S. 2020. Isotopos estables de compuestos específicos para estimar la redistribución del suelos por eventos erosivos. Agrociencia 54: 601-618. Link
- 243- Milani T, Jobbágy EG, Nuñez MA, Ferrero ME, Baldi G, Teste FP. 2020. Stealth invasions on the rise: rapid long-distance establishment of exotic pines in mountain grasslands of Argentina. Biological Invasions, 22: 2989–3001. Link
- 242- Nosetto MD, Luna Toledo E, Magliano PN, Figuerola P, Blanco L, Jobbágy EG. 2020. Contrasting CO2 and water vapor fluxes in dry forest and pasture sites of central Argentina. Ecohydrology, 2020;e2244. https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2244 Link
- 241- Villarino SH, Pinto P, Della Chiesa T, Jobbágy EG, Studdert GA, Bazzoni B, Conti G, Rufino M, Álvarez R, Boddey R, Bayer C, PC de F Carvalho, Fernández RJ, Lattanzi FA, Oesterheld M, Oyhantçabal W, Paruelo JM, Pravia V, Piñeiro G. 2020. The Role of South American Grazing Lands in Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions. A Reply To:" Reassessing the Role of Grazing Lands in Carbon-Balance Estimations: Meta-analysis and Review", by Viglizzo Et Al.,(2019). The Science of the Total Environment. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140108.
- 240- Tittonell P, Piñeiro G, Garibaldi LA, Dogliotti S, Olff H, EG Jobbagy. 2020. Agroecology in large scale farming–a research agenda. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4, 214. Link
- 239- Ruscica RC, J Polcher, MM Salvia, AA Sörensson, M Piles, EG Jobbágy, H Karszenbaum. 2020. Spatio-temporal soil drying in southeastern South America: the importance of effective sampling frequency and observational errors on drydown time scale estimates. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41:7958-7992.
- 238- Whitworth‐Hulse JI, Magliano PN, Zeballos SR, Aguiar S, Baldi, G. 2020. Global patterns of rainfall partitioning by invasive woody plants. Global Ecology Biogeography, 30: 235– 246. Link
- 237- Vaieretti MV, Conti G, Poca M, Kowaljow E, Gorné L, Bertone G, Cingolani AM y Pérez ‐ Harguindeguy, N. 2020. Reservas de carbono de plantas y suelos en pastizales parches mantenidos por pastoreo extensivo en las tierras altas del centro de Argentina. Ecología Austral, aec.12992. Link
- 236- Torres Astorga R, Garcias Y, Borgatello G , Velasco H, Padilla R, Dercon G , Mabit L. 2020. Use of geochemical fingerprints to trace sediment sources in an agricultural catchment of Argentina. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 8: 410-417. Link
- 235- Garibaldi LA, Oddi FJ, Miguez FE, Bartomeus I, Orr MC, EG Jobbágy, ...2020. Working landscapes need at least 20% native habitat. Conservation Letters, e12773. Link.
- 234- Giménez R, Mercau JL, Bert FE, Kuppel S, Baldi G, Houspanossian J, EG Jobbágy. 2020. Hydrological and productive impacts of recent land‐use and land‐cover changes in the semiarid Chaco: Understanding novel water excess in water scarce farmlands. Ecohydrology, e2243. Link
- 233- Cortés SS, Whitworth-Hulse JI, Piovano EL, Gurvich DE, Magliano PN. 2020. Changes in rainfall partitioning caused by the replacement of native dry forests of Lithraea molleoides by tree plantations of Pinus elliottii. Journal of Arid Land 12(5), 717-729. Link.
- 232- Cingolani A, Poca M., Whitworth Hulse JI, Giorgis M, Vaieretti V, Herrero L, Navarro Ramos, Renison D. 2020. Fire reduces dry season low flows in a subtropical highland of central Argentina. Journal of Hydrology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125538. Link
- 231- Poca M, Nosetto MD, Ballesteros S, Castellanos G, Jobbágy E. Isotopic insights on continental water sources and transport in the mountains and plains of southern South America. Isotopes in Environmental & Health Studies (IEHS), 56:5-6, 586-605. Link
- 230- Gimenez R, Mercau JL, Bert FE, Kuppel S, Baldi G, Houspanossian, Magliano PN, Jobbágy E. 2020. Hydrological and productive impacts of recent land use and land cover changes in the semiarid Chaco: understanding novel water excess in water scarce farmlands. Ecohydrology, 10.1002/eco.2243. Link.
- 229- Teste FP, Dixon KW, Lambers H, Zhou J, Veneklaas EJ. 2020. The potential for phosphorus benefits through root placement in the rhizosphere of phosphorus-mobilising neighbours. Oecologia, 193: 843–855. Link.
- 228- Fernandez PD, Le Polain de Waroux Y, Jobbagy EG, Loto D, Gasparri NI. 2020. A hard-to-keep promise: Vegetation use and aboveground carbon storage in silvopastures of the Dry Chaco. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment,303:107117. Link.
- 227- Rodriguez P, Gimenez R, Nosetto MD, Jobbagy EG, Magliano PN. 2020. Changes in water fluxes partition related to the replacement of native dry forests by crops in the Dry Chaco. Journal of Arid Environments, 183: 104281. Link.
- 226- Aguiar S, Texeira M, Garibaldi LA, Jobbágy E. 2020. Global changes in crop diversity: Trade rather than production enriches supply. Global Food Security, 100385. Link.
- 225- Duarte-Guardia S, Peri P, Amelung W, Thomas E, Borchard N, Baldi G, Cowie A, & Ladd B. 2020. Biophysical and socioeconomic factors influencing soil carbon stocks: a global assessment. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change.10.1007/s11027-020-09926-1.
- 224- Baldi, G. 2020. Nature protection across countries: Do size and power matter? Journal for Nature Conservation, 56: 125860. Link- Mat. Suplementario 1 - Mat. Suplementario 2.
- 223- Pastorello G, Trotta C, Canfora E, et al. 2020. The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data. Sci Data: 7, 225. Link - Material Suplementario.
- 221- Marchesini VA, Nosetto MD, Houspanossian J, Jobbágy EG. 2020. Contrasting hydrological seasonality with latitude in the South American Chaco: The roles of climate and vegetation activity. Journal of Hydrology. 587: 124933. Link.
- 221- Menoyo E, Teste F, Ferrero MA, Lugo MA. 2020. Associations between fungal root endophytes and grass dominance in arid highlands. Fungal Ecology. 45: 100924.
- 220- Teste FP, Jones MD, and IA Dickie. 2020. Dual-mycorrhizal plants: their ecology and relevance. New Phytologist. 225:1835–1851. Link.
- 219- Magliano PN, Whitworth-Hulse JI, Florio EL, Aguirre E, Blanco LJ. 2019. Interception loss, throughfall and stemflow by Larrea divaricata: The role of rainfall characteristics and plant morphological attributes. Ecological Research, 34(6), 753-764.
- 218- Szabó A, Gribovszki Z, Jobbagy EG, Balog K, Bidló A, Tóth. 2019. Subsurface accumulation of CaCO3 and Cl− from groundwater under black locust and poplar plantations. Journal of Forestry Resesearch. 30, 1353–1361. Link.
- 217- Magliano PN, Midnham D, Tych W, Murray F, Nosetto MD, Jobbágy EG, Niborski MJ, Rufino MC, Chappell NA. 2019. Hydrological functioning of cattle ranching impoundments in the dry Chaco rangelands of Argentina. Hydrological Research, 50:1596-1608. Link
- 216- Creed IF, JA Jones, E Archer, C Marius, D Ellison, SG McNulty, M van Noordwijk Meine, B Vira, XH Wei, K Bishop, JA Blanco, M Gush, D Gyawali, E Jobbágy, A Lara, C Little, J Martin-Ortega, A Mukherji, D Murdiyarso, P Pol, C Sullivan, JC Xu. 2019. Managing Forests for Both Downstream and Downwind Water. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. Vol2: 64. Link
- 215- Mujica CR, Milione GM, Bea SA, Jobbágy EG. 2019. Modelación de los cambios químicos en suelos inducidos por la forestación de pastizales naturales en ecosistemas de llanura. Ecología Austral 29:433-445. Link.
- 214- Montes ML, Rizzoto MG, Ayub JJ, Torres Astorga R, Taylor MA. 2019. “An alternative methodology to determine 210Pb activity soil profiles”. Journal of Environmental of Radioactivity. 208: 105998.
- 213- Faggioli V, Menoyo E, Geml J, Kemppainen M, Pardo A, Salazar J, Becerra A. 2019. Soil lead-pollution modifies the structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. Mycorrhiza, 10.1007/s00572-019-00895-1
- 212- Teste FP, Jones MD, Dickie IA. 2019. Tansley review: Dual-mycorrhizal plants: their relevance and ecology. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.16190 Link.
- 211- Torres Astorga R, Rizzotto MG, Velasco H. 2019. “Improving the efficiency in the detection of gamma activities in environmental soil samples: influence of the granulometry and soil density”. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry: 321, 805–814. Link.>
- 210- Magliano PN, Whitworth-Hulse JI, Baldi G. 2019. Interception, throughfall and stemflow partition in drylands: Global synthesis and meta-analysis. Journal of Hydrology: 568, 638-645. Link.>
- 209- Somovilla Lumbreras D, Paez RA, Jobbágy EG, Nosetto MD. 2019. Cambios en el contenido de carbono orgánico del suelo tras el rolado de bosques secos en San Luis (Argentina). Ecología Austral 29:112-119. Link.
- 208- Baldi G, Schauman S, Texeira M, Marinaro S, Martín OA, Gandini P, Jobbágy EG. 2019. Nature representation in South American protected areas: country contrasts and conservation priorities. Peerj, 7:e7155. Link.
- 207- Vallejos M, Aguiar S, Baldi G, Mastrángelo ME, Gallego F, Pacheco-Romero M, Alcaraz-Segura D, JM Paruelo. 2019. Social-Ecological Functional Types: Connecting People and Ecosystems in the Argentine Chaco. Ecosystems. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-019-00415-4. Link.
- 206- Carnelos DA, Portela SI, Jobbágy EG, Jackson RB, Di Bella CM, Panario D, Fagúndez C, Piñeiro-Guerra JM, Grion L, Piñeiro G. 2019. A first record of bulk atmospheric deposition patternsof major ions in southern South America. Biogeochemistry.doi.org/10.1007/s10533-019-00584-3. Link.
- 205- Poca M, Coomans O, Urcelay C, Zeballos SR, Bodé S & Boeckx P. Isotope fractionation during root water uptake by Acacia caven is enhanced by arbuscular mycorrhizas. Plant and Soil: 1-13. Link.
- 204- Milkovic M, Paruelo JM, Nosetto MD. 2019. Hydrological impacts of afforestation in the semi-arid Patagonia: a modeling approach. Ecohydrology, doi: 10.1002/eco.2113. Link.
- 203- García GA, García EP, Rovere SL, Bert FE, Schmidt F, Menéndez AN, Nosetto MD, Verdin A, Rajagopalan B, Arora P, Podestá GP. 2019. A linked modelling framework to explore interactions among climate, soil water, and land use decisions in the Argentine Pampas. Environmental Modelling & Software. 111: 459-471. Link
- 202 - Heider G, Jobbágy EG, Tripaldi A. 2019. Uso del espacio semiárido por poblaciones prehispánicas: el papel de los paisajes de dunas como eco-refugios en el Centro de Argentina. Bol. Soc. Geol. Mex.: Vol 71-2: 229-248.Link.
- 201 - Teste F, Kardol P, Turner BL, Wardle DA, Zemunik G, Renton M, ande E Laliberté. 2019. Toward more robust plant-soil feedback research: Comment. Ecology: e02590. Link.
- 200 - Velasco, H. 2019. Modifications in the gamma dose rate in air due to downward and lateral mobility of 137Cs in the soil. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 198: 159–164. Link.
- 199 - Teste FP, Laliberté E. 2019. Plasticity in root symbioes following shifts in soil nutrient availability during long-term ecosystem development. Journal of Ecology, 107: 633-649. Link.
- 198 - Duarte-Guardia S, Peri PL, Amelung W, Sheil D, Laffan SW, Borchard N, Bird MI, Dieleman W, Pepper DA, Zutta B, Jobbagy E, Silva LCR, Bonser SP, Berhongaray G, Piñeiro G, Martinez MJ, Cowie AL, Ladd B. 2019. Better estimates of soil carbon from geographical data: A revised global approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 24: 355-372.
- 198- Schauman S, Verger A, Filella I, J Peñuelas. 2018. Characterisation of Functional-trait Dynamics at High Spatial Resolution in a Mediterranean Forest from Sentinel-2 and Ground-truth Data. Remote Sensing:10, 1874. Link.
- 197- García PE, Badano ND, Menéndez AN, Bert F, García G, Podestá G, Rovere S, Verdin A, Rajagopalan B, and Arora P. 2018. Influencia de los cambios en el uso del suelo y la precipitación sobre la dinámica hídirca de una cuenca de llanura extensa. Caso de estudio: cuenca del Río Salado, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Revista Ibeoramicana del Agua. 5(2): 92-106 Link
- 196- García GA, Miralles DJ, Serrago RA, Alzueta I, Huth N, Dreccer MF. 2018. Warm night in the Argentine Pampas: Modelling its impact on wheat and barley shows yield reductions. Agricultural Systems. 162: 259-268. Link
- 195 - Birnbaum C, Bissett A, Teste FP, and Etienne Laliberté E. Symbiotic N2-Fixer Community Composition, but Not Diversity, Shifts in Nodules of a Single Host Legume Across a 2-Million-Year Dune Chronosequence. Microbial Ecology. 76: 1009-1020. Link.
- 194 - Velasco H, Torres Astorga R, Joseph D, Antoine JS, Mabit L, Toloza A, Dercon G, Walling DE. 2018. Adapting the Caesium-137 technique to document soil redistribution rates associated with traditional cultivation practices in Haiti. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 183: 7–16. Link.
- 193 - Torres Astorga R, de los Santos Villalobos S, Velasco H, Domínguez-Quintero O, Cardoso, RP, Meigikos dos Anjos R, Diawara Y, Dercon G, Mabit L. 2018. Exploring innovative techniques for identifying geochemical elements as fingerprints of sediment sources in an agricultural catchment of Argentina affected by soil erosion. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.vol 25, issue21, pp 20868-20879. Link.
- 192 - Richter DD, Billings SA, Groffman PM, Kelly EF, Lohse KA, McDowell WH, White TS, Anderson S, Baldocchi DD, Banwart S, Brantley S, Braun JJ, Brecheisen ZS, Cook CS, Hartnett HE, Hobbie SE, Gaillardet J, Jobbagy E, Jungkunst HF, Kazanski CE, Krishnaswamy J, Markewitz D, O'Neill K, Riebe CS, Schroeder P, Siebe C, Silver WL, Thompson A, Verhoef A. & Zhang G. 2018. Ideas and perspectives: Strengthening the biogeosciences in environmental research networks. Biogeosciences, 15: 4815-4832 Link.
- 191 - Rauber RB, Demaría MR, Jobbágy EG, Arroyo DN, Poggio SL. 2018. Weed Communities in Semiarid Rainfed Croplands of Central Argentina: Comparison between corn and soybean crops. Weed Science, 66: 368-378 Link.
- 190 - Rossi MJ, Ares JO, Jobbágy EG, Vervoort RW, Vivoni ER, Schreiner-McGraw AP, Saco P. Vegetation and terrain drivers of infiltration depth along a semiarid hillslope. Science of the Total Environment, 644: 1399-1408. Link.
- 189 - Baldi G, Schauman S, Texeira M, Marinaro S, Martin OA, Gandini P, Jobbágy EJ. Nature representativeness in South American protected areas: Country contrasts and conservation priorities. bioRxiv , doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/456558. Link.
- 188 - Diego Muñoz Garachana, Roxana Aragón, Germán Baldi. Estructura espacial de remanentes de bosque nativo en el Chaco Seco y el Espinal Ecología Austral, ISSN en línea: 0327-5477. Link
- 187 - Lugo MA, Menoyo E, Risio Allione L, Negritto MA, Henning JA,, Anton AM. 2018. Arbuscular mycorrhizas and dark septate endophytes associated with grasses from the Argentine Puna. Mycologia, doi.org/10.1080/00275514.2018.1492846.
- 186 - Salazar MJ, Menoyo E, Faggioli V, Geml J, Cabello M, Rodriguez JH, Marro N , Pardo A , Pignata A, Becerra AG. 2018. Pb accumulation in spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Science of the Total Environment, 643: 238-246.
- 185 - Teste FP, Marchesini VA, Veneklaas EJ, Dixon KW, and H Lambers. 2018. Root dynamics and survival in a nutrient-poor and species-rich woodland under a drying climate.Plant and Soil. : 424: 91–102. Link.
- 184- Lambers H, Albornoz F, Kotula L, Laliberté E, Ranathunge K, Teste FP, Zemunik G. 2018. How belowground interactions contribute to the coexistence of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal species in severely phosphorus-impoverished hyperdiverse ecosystems.Plant and Soil. 424: 11–33. Link.
- 183 - Garcia PE, Menendez AN, Podesta G, Bert F, Arora P, Jobbágy EG. 2018. Land use as possible strategy for managing water table depth in flat basins with shallow groundwater.International Journal of River Basin Management, 16(1): 79-92. Link
- 182- García A, Dibella C, Houspanossian J, Magliano P, Jobbágy E, Posse G, Fernandez R, Nosetto M, 2017. Patterns and controls of carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes in a dry forest of central Argentina. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 247: 520-532. Link.
- 181- Avila HG, Santos GB, Cucher MA, Macchiaroli N, Pérez MG, Baldi G, (...) L Kamenetzky. Implementation of new tools in molecular epidemiology studies of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato in South America. Parasitology International. 66: 250–257 Link.
- 180- Magliano PN, Gimenez R, Houspanossian J, Paez R, Nosetto MD, Fernandez RJ, Jobbágy EG. 2017. Litter is more effective than forest canopy reducing soil evaporation in Dry Chaco rangelands. Ecohydrology, 10: e1879. Link.
- 179 - Jones J, Almeida A, Cisneros F, Iroume A, Jobbágy E, Lara A, de Paula Lima W, Little C, Llerena C, Silveira L, Villegas JC. 2017. Forests and water in South America. Hydrological Processes, 31: 972-980. Link
- 178 - Baldi G, Texeira M, Osvaldo M, Grau HR, Jobbágy EG. 2017. Opportunities drive the global distribution of protected areas. PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.e2989.
- 177 - Fan Y, Miguez-Macho G, Jobbágy EG , Jackson RB, and C Otero-Casal. 2017. Hydrologic regulation of plant rooting depth. Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 114 (40): 10572-10577. Link
- 176 - Kuppel S, Fan Y, Jobbágy EG. 2017. Seasonal hydrologic buffer on continents: Patterns, drivers and ecological benefits. Advances in Water Resources, 102: 178-187. Link
- 175 - Marchesini VA, Giménez R, Nosetto MD, & Jobbágy EG. 2017. Ecohydrological transformation in the Dry Chaco and the risk of dryland salinity: Following Australia's footsteps?. Ecohydrology. 10(4;6)1-8. Link
- 174 - Menoyo E, MA Lugo, FP Teste, and MA Ferrero. 2017. Grass dominance drives rhizospheric bacterial communities in a desertic shrub and grassy steppe highland. Pedobiologia . 62: 36-40. Link
- 173 -Teste FP, Marchesini VA, Veneklaas EJ, Dixon KW, and Lambers H. 2017. Root dynamics and survival in a nutrient-poor and species-rich woodland under a drying climate. Plant and Soil. 424,1-2: 91-102. Link
- 172 - Magliano PN, RJ Fernández, EL Florio, F Murray, and EG Jobbágy. 2017. Soil Physical Changes After Conversion of Woodlands to Pastures in Dry Chaco Rangelands (Argentina). Rangeland Ecology & Management. 70: 225-229. Link
- 171 - Jobbágy EG, Tóth T, Nosetto MD, Earman S. 2017. On the fundamental causes of high environmental alkalinity(PH ≥ 9): an assessment of its drivers and global distribution. Land degradation & development. 28: 1973-1981. Link
- 170 - Baldi G, Texeira M, Martin OA, Grau HR, and Jobbágy EG. 2017. Opportunities drive the global distribution of protected areas. PeerJ 5:e2989. Link
- 169 - Pelster D, Rufino M, Rosenstock T, Mango J, Saiz G, Diaz-Pines E, Baldi G, and K. Butterbach-Bahl. 2017. Smallholder farms in eastern African tropical highlands have low soil greenhouse gas fluxes. Biogeosciences 14:187-202.
- 168 - Teste FP, Kardol P, Turner BL, Wardle DA, Zemunik G, Renton M, Laliberté E. 2017. Plant-soil feedback and the maintenance of diversity in Meditarranean-climate shrublands. Science . Vol. 355, Issue 6321, pp. 173-176. Link
- 167 - Houspanossian J, Giménez R, Jobbágy E, Nosetto M. 2017. Surface albedo raise in the South American Chaco: Combined effectosf deforestation and agricultural changes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 232: 118-127. Link
- 166 - Giménez R, Mercau J, Nosetto M, Páez R, Jobbágy E. 2016. The ecohydrological imprint of deforestation in the semiarid Chaco: insights from the last forest remnants of a highly cultivated landscape. Hydrological Processes . 30: 2603-2616. Link
- 165 - Houspanossian J, Kuppel S, Nosetto M, Di Bella C, Oricchio P, Barrucand M, Rusticucci M, Jobbágy E. 2016. Long-lasting floods buffer the thermal regime of the Pampas. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 131: 111-120. Link
- 164 - Cucher MA, Macchiaroli N, Baldi G, (...) and L. Kamenetzky. 2016. Cystic echinococcosis in South America: systematic review of species and genotypes of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato in humans and natural domestic hosts. Trop Med Int Health. 21:166-175. Link
- 163 - Baldi G, Texeira M, Murray F, and EG Jobbágy. 2016. Vegetation Productivity in Natural vs. Cultivated Systems along Water Availability Gradients in the Dry Subtropics. PLOS ONE. 11:e0168168. Link
- 162 - Albornoz FE, Teste FP, Lambers H, Bunce M, Murray DC, White NE, Laliberté E. 2016. Changes in ectomycorrhizal fungal community composition and declining diversity along a 2-million year soil chronosequence. Molecular Ecology. doi: 10.1111/mec.13778. Link
- 161 - Murray F, Baldi G, Von Bernard T, Viglizzo EF, Jobbágy EG. 2016. Productive Performance of alternative land covers alone aridity gradients: Ecological, agronomic and economic perspective. Agricultural Systems. 149: 20-29. Link
- 160 - Chiacchiera S, Bertram N, Taleisnik E, and E Jobbágy. 2016. Effect of watertable depth and salinity on growth dynamics of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana). Crop & Pasture Science. 67: 881-887. Link
- 159 - Marchesini VA, Guerschman JP, Schweiggert RM, Colmer TD, Veneklass EJ. 2016. Spectral detection of stress-related pigments in salt-lake succulent halophytic shrubs. International Journal of Apllied Earth Obsrvation and Geoinformation. 52: 457-463. Link
- 158 - Steinaker DF, EG Jobbágy, JP Martini, DN Arroyo, JL Pacheco, and VA Marchesini. 2016. Vegetation composition and structure changes following roller-chopping deforestation in Central Argentina woodlands. Journal of Arid Environments. 133: 19-24. Link
- 157- Magliano PN, Fernandez RJ, Giménez R, Marchesini VA; Páez RA & EG Jobbágy. 2016. Cambios en la partición de flujos de agua en el Chaco Árido al reemplazar bosques por pasturas. Ecología Austral. 26: 095-106. Link
- 156 - Albornoz FE, Lambers H, Turner BL, Teste FP & E Laliberte. 2016. Shifts in symbiotic associations in plants capable of forming multiple root symbioses across a long-term soil chronosequence. Ecology and Evolution. 6(8): 2368-77. Link
- 155 - Houspanossian J, Giménez R, Baldi G, Nosetto M. 2016. Is aridity restricting deforestation and land-uses in the South American Dry Chaco?. Journal of Land Use Science. 11(4): 369-383. Link
- 154 - Teste FP. 2016 Restoring grasslands with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi around remnant patches. Applied Vegetation Science. 19:3-4. Link
- 153 - Teste FP, Laliberté E, Lambers H, Auer Y, Kramer S, and Kandeler E. 2016. Mycorrhizal fungal biomass and scavenging declines in phosphorus-impoverished soils during ecosystem retrogression. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 92: 119- 132. Link
- 152 - Mercau JL, Nosetto MD, Bert F, Giménez R, and Jobbágy EG. 2016. Shallow groundwater dynamics in the Pampas: Climate, landscape and crop choice effects. Agric. Water Manage. 163: 159-168. Link
- 152 - Lugo MA, Reinhart KO, Menoyo E, Crespo EM, Urcelay C. 2015. Plant functional traits and phylogenetic relatedness explain variation in associations with root fungal endophytes in an extreme arid environment. Mycorrhiza 25: 85-95.
- 151 - Aramburu Merlos F, Monzon JP, Mercau JL, Taboada M, Andrade FH, Hall AJ, Jobbágy EG, Cassman KG and P Grassini. 2015. Potential for crop production increase in Argentina through closure of existing yield gaps. Field Crop Research. 184:145-154. Link
- 150 - Florio EL, Mercau JL y MD Nosetto. 2015. Factores que regulan la dinámica freática en dos ambientes de La Pampa Interior con distintos regímenes de humedad. Ciencia del Suelo 33(2): 263-272. Link
- 149 - Simard SW, Asay A, Beiler KJ, Bingham MA, Deslippe JR, He X, Philip LJ, Song Y, Teste FP 2015. Resource transfer between plants through ectomycorrhizal fungal networks. Horton TR ed. Mycorrhizal Networks. Dordrecht: Springer, Netherlands, pp: 133-176. Link
- 148 - Magliano PN, Breshears DD, Fernández RJ and Jobbágy EG. 2015. Rainfall intensity switches ecohydrological runoff/runon redistribution patterns in dryland vegetation patches. Ecological Applications. 25(8): 2094-2100. Link
- 147 - Krüger M, Teste FP, Laliberté E, Lambers H, Coghlan M, Zemunik G, Bunce M. 2015. The rise and fall of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity during ecosystem retrogression. Molecular Ecology. 24: 4912–4930. Link
- 146 - Kuppel S, Hosupanossian J, Nosetto MD, Jobbágy EG, 2015. What does it take to flood the Pampas? Lessons from a decade of strong hydrological fluctuations. Water Resources Research. 51: 2937-2950. Link
- 145 - Nosetto MD, Paez R, Ballesteros SI, Jobbágy EG, 2015. Higher water-table levels ando flooding risk under grain vs. livestock production systems in the subhumid plains of the Pampas. Agriculture, Ecosystems &Environment. 206: 60-70. Link
- 144 - Rueda CV, Baldi G, Gasparri NI, EG Jobbágy. 2015. Charcoal production in the South American Dry Chaco: Where, how and who? Energy for Sustainable Development. 27:46-53. Link
- 143 - Salazar A, Baldi G, Hirota M, Syktus J, C McAlpine. 2015. Land use and land cover change impacts on the regional climate of non-Amazonian South America: A review. Global and Planetary Change. 128: 103–119.
- 142 - González-Roglich M, Swenson JJ, Villarreal D, Jobbágy EG, Jackson RB. 2015. Woody Plant-Cover Dynamics in Argentine Savannas from the 1880s to 2000s: The Interplay of Encroachment and Agriculture Conversion at Varying Scales. Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-015-9841-5. Link
- 141 - Magliano PN, Fernández, RF, Mercau, JL, Jobbágy, EG. 2015. Precipitation event distribution in central Argentina: spatial and temporal patterns. Ecohydrology. 8: 94–104. Link
- 140 - Magliano PN, Murray F, Baldi G, Aurand S, Paez RA, Harder W, Jobbágy EG. 2015. Rainwater harvesting in Dry Chaco: Regional distribution and local water balance. Journal of Arid Environments. 123: 93-102. Link
- 139 - Baldi G, Houspanossian J, Murray F, Rosales AA, Rueda CV y EG Jobbágy. 2015. Cultivating the dry forests of South America: Diversity of land users and imprints on ecosystem functioning. Journal of Arid Environments. 123:47-59. Link
- 138 - Magliano PN, Prystupa P and FH Gutiérrez-Boem. 2014. Protein content of grains of different size fractions in malting barley. Institute of Brewing & Distilling. 120: 347–352. Link
- 137 - Tóth, T., Balog, K., Szabó, A., Pásztor, L., Jobbágy, E.G., Nosetto, M.D., Gribovszki, Z., 2014. Influence of lowland forests on subsurface salt accumulation in shallow groundwater areas. AoB Plants 6; 10.1093/aobpla/plu054. Link
- 136 - Gimenez R, Mercau JL, Houspanossian J, Jobbágy EG. 2014. Balancing agricultural and hydrologic risk in farming systems of the Chaco plains. Journal of Arid Environments.Link
- 135 - Meglioli PA, Aranibar JN, Villagra PE, Alvarez JA, Jobbágy EG. 2014. Livestock stations as foci of groundwater recharge and nitrate leaching in a sandy desert of the Central Monte, Argentina. Ecohydrology. 7:600-611. Link
- 134 -Jayawickreme DH, Jobbágy EG, Jackson RB. 2014 Geophysical subsurface imaging for ecological applications. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.12619. Link
- 133 - Viglizzo EF, Nosetto MD, Jobbágy EG, Ricard MF, Frank FC. 2014. The ecohydrology of ecosystem transitions: a meta-analysis. Ecohydrology. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1540. Link
- 132 - A.S. Cid, R.M. Anjos, C.B. Zamboni, R. Cardoso, M. Muniz, A. Corona, D.L. Valladares, L. Kovacs, K. Macario, D. Perea, C. Goso, H. Velasco. 2014. Na, K, Ca, Mg, and U-series in fossil bone and the proposal of a radial diffusion-adsorption model of uranium uptake. Journal of Enviromental Radioactivity, 136: 131-139. Link
- 131 - Gaitán JJ, Bran DE, Oliva GE, Maestre FT, Aguiar MR, Jobbágy EG, Buono GG, Ferrante D, Nakamatsu VB, Ciari G, Salomone JM, Massara V. 2014. Plant species richness and shrub cover attenuate drought effects on ecosystem functioning across Patagonian rangelands. Biology Letter. 2014, 10. Link
- 130 - Gaitán JJ, Oliva GE, , Bran DE, Maestre FT, Aguiar MR, Jobbágy EG, Buono GG, Ferrante D, Nakamatsu VB, Ciari G, Salomone JM, Massara V. 2014. Vegetation structure is as important as climate for explaining ecosystem function across Patagonian rangelands. Journal of Ecology . 102: 1419–1428. Link
- 129 - Florio EL, Mercau JL, Jobbágy EG, Nosetto MD.2014. Interactive effects of water-table depth, rainfall variation, and sowing date on maize production in the Western Pampas. Agricultural Water Management, 146, 75-83. Link
- 128 - Jobbágy EG and OE Sala. 2014. The imprint of crop choice on global nutrient needs. Environmental Research Letters, 9:084014. Link
- 127 - González Roglich M, Swenson JJ, Jobbágy EG, Jackson RB. 2014. Shifting carbon pools along a plant cover gradient in woody encroached savannas of central Argentina. Forest Ecology and Management, 331: 71–78. Link
- 126 - Nosetto MD, Jobbágy EG. 2014. Plantaciones forestales: Sus servicios e impactos hidrológicos. Producción Forestal, 8: 18-20. Link
- 125 - Monzon JP, Mercau JL, Andrade JF, Caviglia OP, Cerrudo AG, Cirilo AG, Vega CRC, Andrade FH, Calviño PA. 2014. Maize–soybean intensification alternatives for the Pampas. Field crop Research , 162: 48-59. Link
- 124 - Cid A, Anjos RM, Zamboni C, Velasco H, Macario K, Rizzotto M, Medeiros I, Juri Ayub, J, Audicio P. 2013. Temporal evolution of 137Cs+, K+ and Na+ in fruits of South American tropical species. Science of the Total Environment. 444: 115–120. Link
- 123 - Amdan L, Aragón RM, Jobbágy EG, Volante J, Paruelo JM. 2013. Onset of deep drainage and salt mobilization following forest clearing and cultivation in the Chaco plains (Argentina). Water Resources Research. 49: 6601-6612. Link
- 122 - Ceballos D, Frangi J, Jobbágy EG. 2013. Soil volume and carbon storage shifts in drained and afforested wetlands of the Paraná River Delta. Biogeochemistry. 112: 359-372. Link
- 121 - Nosetto MD, Acosta AM, Jayawickreme DH, Ballesteros SI, Jackson RB, Jobbágy EG. 2013. Land-use and topography shape soil and groundwater salinity in central Argentina. Agricultural Water Management. 129: 120-129. Link
- 120 - Rueda CV, Baldi G, Verón SR, Jobbágy EG. 2013. Apropiación humana de la producción primaria en el Chaco Seco. Ecología Austral. 23: 44-54. Link
- 119 - Vassallo MM, Dieguez HD, Garbulsky MF, Jobbágy EG, Paruelo JM. 2013. Grassland afforestation impact on primary productivity: A remote sensing approach. Applied Vegetation Science. 16: 390-403. Link
- 118 - Jobbágy EG, Acosta AM, Nosetto MD. 2013. Rendimiento hídrico en cuencas primarias bajo pastizales y plantaciones de pino de las sierras de Córdoba (Argentina). Ecología Austral. 23: 87-96. Link
- 117 - Marchesini V, Fernandez RJ, Jobbágy EG. 2013. Salt leaching leads to drier soils in disturbed semiarid woodlands of central Argentina. Oecologia. 171: 1003-1012. Link
- 116 - Gasparri NI, Baldi G. 2013. Regional patterns and controls of biomass in semiarid woodlands: lessons from the Northern Argentina Dry Chaco. Regional Environmental Change. 13: 1131–1144.
- 115 - Houspanossian J, Nosetto M, Jobbágy EG. 2013. Radiation budget changes with dry forest clearing in temperate Argentina. Global Change Biology. 19: 1211–1222. Link
- 114 - Baldi G, Verón SR, Jobbágy EG. 2013. The imprint of humans on landscape patterns and vegetation functioning in the dry subtropic. Global Change Biology. 19: 441–458. Link
- 113 - Contreras S, Santoni CS, Jobbágy EG. 2013. Abrupt watercourse formation in a semiarid sedimentary landscape of central Argentina: the roles of forest clearing, rainfall variability and seismic activity.Ecohydrology. 6: 794-805. Link
- 112- Juri Ayub J, Lohaiza F, Velasco H, Rizzotto M, Di Gregorio D, Huck, H. 2012. Assessment of 7Be content in precipitation in a South American semi-arid environment. Science of the Total Environment. 441: 111-116.
- 111- Viglizzo E, Paruelo JM, Laterra P, Jobbágy EG. 2012. Ecosystem service evaluation to support land-use policy. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 154:78-84. Link
- 110- Fischer MA, Dibella CM, Jobbágy EG. 2012. Fire patterns in central Argentina. Journal of Arid Environments. 71: 115-127. Link
- 109- Manzoni S, Piñeiro G, Kim JH, Jobbágy EG, Jackson RB, Porporato A. 2012. Analytical models of soil and litter decomposition: Solutions for mass loss and time-dependent decay rates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 50: 66-76. Link
- 108- Sala OE, Gherardi L, Raichmann L, Jobbágy EG, Peters D. 2012. Legacies of precipitation fluctuations on primary production: Theory and data synthesis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 367: 3135-3144. Link
- 107- Eclesia RP, EG Jobbágy, RB Jackson, F Biganzoli, G Piñeiro. 2012. Shifts in soil organic carbon for plantation and pasture establishment in native forests and grasslands of South America. Global Change Biology. 18: 3237-3251. Link
- 106- Berthrong ST, G Piñeiro, EG Jobbágy, RB Jackson. 2012. Soil C and N changes with afforestation of grasslands across gradients of precipitation and plantation age. Ecological Applications. 22: 76–86. Link
- 105- Herrick JE, Brown JR, Bestelmeyer B, Andrews SS, Baldi G, Davies J, Duniway M, Havstad KM, Karl JW, Karlen DL, Peters DPC, Quinton JN, Riginos C, Shaver P, Steinaker DF, and S Twomlow. 2012. Revolutionary land use change in the 21st century: is Rangeland Science relevant?. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 65: 590-598.
- 104- Fischer C, Baldi G , Codesido M, Bilenca D. 2012. Seasonal variations in small mammal - landscape associations in temperate agroecosystems: a study case in Buenos Aires province, central Argentina. Mammalia, 76(4): 399–406. Link
- 103- Verón SR, Jobbágy EG, Di Bella CM, Paruelo JM, Jackson RB. 2012. Assessing the potential of wildfires as a sustainable bioenergy opportunity. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. doi: 10.1111/j.1757-1707.2012.01181.x. Link
- 102- Nosetto MD, Jobbágy EG, Brizuela AB, Jackson RB. 2012. The hydrologic consequences of land cover change in central Argentina. Agricultural, Ecosystems and Environment. 154: 2-11. Link
- 101- Texeira M, Baldi G, Paruelo J. 2012. An exploration of direct and indirect drivers of herbivore reproductive performance in arid and semi arid rangelands by means of structural equation models. Link
- 100- Velasco H, Cid AS, Anjos RM, Zamboni CB, Rizzotto M, Valladares DL, Juri Ayub J. 2012. Variability of 137Cs and 40K soil-to-fruit transfer factor in tropical lemon trees during the fruit development period. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 104: 64-70. doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2011.09.016.
- 99- Baldi G, Jobbágy EG. 2012. Land use in the dry subtropics: Ecosystem structure and production across contrasting human contexts. Journal of Arid Environments. 76: 115-127. Link
- 98 - Da Silva AAR, Valladares DL, Anjos RM, Velasco H, Rizzotto M, Yoshimura EM. 2011. Assessment the health hazard from 222Rn in old metalliferous mines in San Luis, Argentina. Water Air Soil Pollution. 218: 371-386. DOI 10.1007/s11270-010-0652-1.
- 97 - Lohaiza F, Juri Ayub J, Velasco H, Dercon G. 2011. Fallout radionuclides as indicators of soil degradation ant potential loss of agricultural production in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Soils Newletter. V 33, N° 2:16-20. ISSN 1011-2650.
- 96 - DiBella CM, Fischer MA, Jobbágy EG. 2011. Fire patterns in Northeastern Argentina: influences of climate and land use/cover. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 32:4961-4971. Link
- 95- Viglizzo EF, Frank FC, Carreño LV, Jobbágy EG, Pereyra H, Clatt J, Pincén D, Ricard MF. 2011. Ecological and environmental footprint of 50 years of agricultural expansion in Argentina. Global Change Biology, 17:959-973. Link
- 94- Jayawickreme DH, Santoni CS, Kim JH, Jobbágy EG, Jackson RB. 2011. Changes in hydrology and salinity accompanying a century of agricultural conversion in Argentina. Ecological Applications, 21 (7):2367-2379. Link
- 93- Viglizzo EF, Ricard MF, Jobbágy EG, Frank FC, Carreño LV. 2011. Assessing the cross-scale impact of 50 years of agricultural transformation in Argentina. Field Crops Research, 124:186-194. Link
- 92- Aranibar JN, Villagra PE, Gomez ML, Jobbágy EG, Quiroga M, Wuilloud RG, Monasterio RP, and A Guevara. 2011. Nitrate dynamics in the soil and unconfined aquifer in arid groundwater coupled ecosystems of the Monte desert, Argentina. Journal of Geophysical Research, 16: G04015, doi:10.1029/2010JG001618. Link
- 91- Bogino SM & EG Jobbágy. 2011. Climate and groundwater effects on the establishment, growth and death of Prosopis caldenia trees in the Pampas (Argentina). Forest Ecology and Management, 262:1766–1774. Link
- 90- Srur AM, Villalba R y G Baldi. 2011. Variations in Anarthrophyllum rigidum radial growth, NDVI and ecosystem productivity in the Patagonian shrubby steppes. Plant Ecology, 212:1841-1854. Link
- 89- Jobbágy EG, Nosetto MD, Villagra PE and Jackson RB. 2011. Water subsidies from mountains to deserts: Their role in sustaining groundwater-fed oases in a sandy landscape. Ecological Applications, 21 (3):678-694. Link
- 88- Nordenstahl M, Gundel PE, Clavijo MP and Jobbágy EG. 2011. Forage production in natural and afforested grasslands of the Pampas: ecological complementarity and management opportunities. Agroforestry Systems, 83:201-211. Link
- 88- Contreras S, Jobbágy EG, Villagra PE, Nosetto MD and Puigdefábregas J. 2011. Remote sensing estimates of supplementary water consumption by arid ecosystems of central Argentina. Journal of Hydrology, 397:10-22. Link
- 87- Anjos RM, Umisedo N, Da Silva AAR, Estellita L, Rizzotto M, Yoshimura EM, Velasco H, Santos, AMA. 2010. Occupational exposure to radon and natural gamma radiation in the La Carolina, a former gold mine in San Luis Province, Argentina. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 101:153-158.
- 86- Estellita L, Santos AMA, Anjos RM, Yoshimura EM, Velasco H, da Silva AA, Aguiar JG. 2010. Analysis ans Risk Estimates to Workers of Brazilian Granitic Industries and Sansblasters Exposed to Respirable Crystalline Silica and Natural Radionuclides. Radiation Measurenments, 45:196-203.
- 85- Santoni CS, EG Jobbágy y S Contreras. 2010. Vadose zone transport in dry forests of central Argentina: The role of land use. Water Resources Research, Vol 46, 10 Nº W10541. Link
- 84- Viglizzo EF, Frank FC, Carreño LV, Jobbágy EG, Pereyra H, Clatt J, Pincén D, Riccard MF. 2010. Ecological and environmental footprint of 50 years of agricultural expansion in Argentina. Global Change Biology. 17 (2):959-973. Link
- 83- MP Clavijo, PS Cornaglia, PE Gundel, M Nordenstahl and EG Jobbágy. 2010. Limits to recruitment of tall fescue plants in poplar silvopastoral systems of the Pampas, Argentina. Agroforestry Systems, 80:275–282. Link
- 82- Aragón R, Jobbágy EG and Viglizzo EF. 2010. Surface and groundwater dynamics in the sedimentary plains of the Western Pampas (Argentina). Ecohydrology, 4:433-447. Link
- 81- Paruelo JM, Piñeiro G, Baldi G, Baeza S, Lezama F, Altesor A, Oesterheld M. 2010. Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in Rangelands of the Rio de la Plata Basin. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 63:94-108. Link
- 80- Velasco H, Juri Ayub J, etc. 2010. Handbook of parameter values for the prediction of radionuclide transfer in terrestrial and freshwater environment. Technical Report Series Nº 472. Link
- 79- Piñeiro G, Paruelo JM, Oesterheld M , and EG Jobbágy. 2010. Pathways of Grazing Effects on Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 63(1):109-119. Link
- 78- Piñeiro G, JM Paruelo, M Oesterheld y E Jobbágy. 2009. Pathways of Grazing Effects on Soil Carbon Stocks in Grasslands. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 63:109-119. 10.2111/08-255.1. Link
- 77- Velasco H, Juri Ayub J. & Sansone U. 2009. Influence of soil properties and crop types on radionuclide Soil-to-Plant transfer factors in tropical environments. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 100:733-738.
- 76- Portela S, Andriulo AE, Jobbágy EG and Sasal MS. 2009. Water and nitrate exchange between cultivated ecosystems and groundwater in the Rolling Pampas. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 134:277-286. Link
- 75- Velasco H and Rizzotto M. 2009. External exposure from radionuclides in soil: analytical vs. simulation procedures. International Radiation Protection Association. IRPA 12 Proceeding. FP-0291:External Exposure to Ionising Radiation.
- 74- Velasco H and Juri Ayub J. 2009. Agricultural Ecosystems, root uptake: tropical and sub-tropical environments. In Quantification of Radionuclide Transfer in Terrestrial and Freshwater Environments for Radiological Assessments. IAEA-TEC-DOC-1616. International Atomic Energy Agency, pp 207-238. ISBN 978-92-0-104509-6. ISSN 1011-4289. IAEA.
- 73- Sanzharova N, Shubina O, Vandenhove H, Olyslaegers G, Fesenko S, Zang ZR, Reed E, and Velasco H. 2009. Agricultural Ecosystems, root uptake: temperate environments. In Quantification of Radionuclide Transfer in Terrestrial and Freshwater Environments for Radiological Assessments.IAEA-TEC-DOC-1616. International Atomic Energy Agency, pp 139-206. ISBN 978-92-0-104509-6. ISSN 1011-4289. IAEA.
- 72- Juri Ayub J, Di Gregorio DE, Velasco H, Huck H, Rizzotto M, and Lohaiza F. 2009. Short-term seasonal variability in 7Be wet deposition in a semiarid ecosystem of central Argentina. Journal Environmental Radioactivity , 100 (11):977-981.
- 71- Anjos R M, Rizzotto M, Sánchez N, Velasco H, Valladares D and Macario K. 2009. Accumulation of 137Cs and 40K in aboveground organs of tropical woody fruit plants. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 281 (1):7-10
- 70- Berthrong ST, Jobbágy EG, Jackson RB. 2009. A global meta-analysis of soil exchangeable cations, pH, carbon, and nitrogen with afforestation. Ecological Applications, 19(8):2228-2241. Link
- 69- Vega E, Baldi G, Jobbágy EG and Paruelo JM. 2009. Land use change patterns in the Río de la Plata grasslands: the influence of phytogeographic and political boundaries. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 134:287-292. Link
- 68- Jackson RB, Jobbágy EG, MD Nosetto. 2009. Ecohyrdology Bearings—Invited Commentary Ecohydrology in a human-dominated landsc. Ecohydrology, 2:383-389. Link
- 67- Nosetto MD, Jobbágy EG, Jackson R, Sznaider G. 2009. Reciprocal influence of crops and shallow ground water in sandy landscapes of the Inland Pampas. Field Crops Research, 113:138-148. Link
- 66- Viglizzo EF, Jobbágy EG, Carreño L, Frank FC, Aragón R, De Oro L, and V. Salvador. 2009. The dynamics of cultivation and floods in arable lands of Central Argentina. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 13:491–502. Link
- 65- Piñeiro G, Paruelo JM, Jobbágy E, Jackson RB and M Oesterheld. 2009. Grazing effects on belowground C and N stocks along a network of cattle exclosures in temperate and subtropical grasslands of South America. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 23(2), Nº GB2003. Link
- 64- Piñeiro G, Jobbágy E, Baker J, Murray BC and Jackson RB. 2009. Set-asides can be better climate investment than corn ethanol. Ecological Applications, 19(2):277–282. Link
- 63- Di Bella CM, IJ Negri, G Posse, FR Jaimes, EG Jobbágy, MF Garbulsky, VA Deregibus. 2009. Forage production of the Argentine Pampa Region based on land use and long-term NDVI data. Angeland Ecology & Management, 62:163-170 LinK
- 62- Vandenhove H, Olyslaegers G, Sanzharova N, Shubina O, Reed E, Shang Z, and Velasco H. 2008. Proposal for new best estimates of soil-to-plant transfer factor of U, Th, Ra, Pb and Po. J. Environmental Radioactivity, 100(9):721-32. Link
- 61-B- Baldi G, Paruelo JM. 2008. Land use and land cover dynamics in South American temperate grasslands. Ecology and Society, 13(2):6. Link
- 61- Texeira M, Paruelo JM, Jobbágy EG. 2008. How do forage availability and climate control sheep reproductive performance?. An analysis based on artificial neural networks and remotely sensed data. Ecological Modelling, 217:197-206. Link
- 60- Mi N, SQ Wang, JY Liu, GR Yu, WJ Zhang and EG Jobbágy. 2008. Soil inorganic carbon storage pattern in China. Global Change Biology, 14:2380-2387. Link
- 59- Rizzotto M, Velasco H, Merkis N, Toso J. 2008. Cambios en la dosis gamma en aire originada por la movilidad de radionucleidos en suelo. Anales AFA. Vol.19:264-266. Link
- 58- M Rizzotto, H Velasco, Ro Meigikos dos Anjos, DL. Valladares, N Sanches. 2008. Distribución de Cs-137 y K-40 en árboles de frutas tropicales. Mecánica Computacional, Vol. XXVII: 2419-2427. Cardona, Storti, Zuppa (Eds.). Link
- 57- Jobbágy E, Nosetto M, Santoni C, Baldi G. 2008. El desafío ecohidrológico de las transiciónes entre sistemas leñosos y herbáceos en la llanura Chaco-Pampeana. Ecología Austral , Sección Especial "Problemas Ambientales", 18:305-322. Link
- 56- Alcaraz-Segura D, Baldi G, Durante P y M F Garbulsky. 2008. Análisis de la dinámica temporal del NDVI en áreas protegidas: tres casos de estudio a distintas escalas espaciales, temporales y de gestión. Ecosistemas , 17(3):108-117. Link
- 55- Farley K, G Piñeiro, S Palmer, EG Jobbágy and R Jackson. 2008. Stream acidification and base cation losses with grassland afforestation. Water Resources Research, 45(7), art. Nº W00A03. Link
- 54- Jackson RB, Randerson JT, Canadell JG, Anderson RG, Avissar R, Baldocchi DD, Bonan GB, Caldeira K, Diffenbaugh NS, Field CB, Hungate BA, Jobbágy EG, Kueppers LM, Nosetto MD, Pataki DE. 2008. Protecting climate with forests. Environmental Research Letters, 3(4), Nº 044006. Link
- 53- Baldi G, Nosetto M, Jobbágy E. 2008. El efecto de las plantaciones forestales sobre el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas sudamericanos. Ambiência, 4:23-34 Edición Especial. Link
- 52- Juri Ayub J, Velasco RH, Rizzotto M, Quintana EE, Aguiar JC. 2008. 40K, 137Cs and 226Ra Soil and Plants Content In Seminatural Grasslands in Central Argentina. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1034:273-276. Link
- 51- Juri Ayub J, Di Gregorio DE, Huck H, Velasco R H, Rizzotto M. 2008. Atmospheric deposition of 7Be by rain events, in central Argentina. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1034:107-111. Link
- 50- Juri Ayub J, Rubio Valverde L, García-Sánchez MJ, Fernández JA, Velasco RH. 2008. Kinetics of caesium and potassium absorption by roots of three grass pastures and competitive effects of potassium on caesium uptake in Cynodon sp. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1034: 269–272. Link
- 49- Velasco H, Juri Ayub J, Sansone U. 2008. Analysis of radionuclide transfer factors from soil to plant in tropical and subtropical environments. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 66:1759-1763. Link
- 48- Baldi G, Nosetto M, Aragón R, Aversa F, Paruelo JM and E Jobbágy. 2008. Long-term Satellite NDVI Data Sets: Evaluating Their Ability to Detect Ecosystem Functional Changes in South America. Sensors, 8(9):5397-5425. Link
- 47- Nosetto MD, Jobbágy E, Tóth T y Jackson R. 2008. Regional patterns and controls of ecosystem salinization with grassland afforestation along a rainfall gradient. Global Biogechemical Cycles. 22(2), Nº GB2015. Link
- 46- Smith P, Nabuurs G J, Janssens I, Reis S, Marland G, Soussana JF, Christensen T, Heath L, Apps M, Alexeyev V, Fang J, Gattuso JP, Guerschman JP, Huang Y, Jobbágy E, Murdiyarso D, Ni J, Nobre A, Peng Ch, Walcroft A, Wang S Q, Pan Y, Zhou G S. 2008. Sectoral approaches to improve regional carbon budgets. Climatic Change , 88(3-4):209-249. Link
- 45- Amundson R, Richter D, Humphreys G S, Jobbágy E and J Gaillardet. 2007. Coupling between Biota and Earth Materials in the Critical Zones. Elements, 3:327-332. Link
- 44- Velasco H, Rizzotto M, Merkis N, Belli M and U Sansone. 2007. Contribution to the external gamma dose rate from 137Cs and 40K activity concentrations determined along the vertical profile of sandy beaches. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 273 (2):395-399. Link
- 43 -Nosetto MD, Jobbágy EG, Tóth T y Dibella C. 2007. The effects of tree establishment on water and salts dynamics in naturally salt-affected grasslands. Oecologia, 152(4):695-705. Link
- 42- Jobbágy EG, and RB Jackson. 2007. Groundwater and soil chemical changes under phreatophytic tree plantations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112(2), art. Nº G02013. Link
- 41- Paruelo JM, Guerschman JP, Piñeiro G, Jobbágy EG, Verón SR, Baldi G and S Baeza. 2006. Cambios en el uso de la tierra en Argenitna y Uruguay: marcos conceptuales para su análisis. Agrociencia, Vol. X N°2:47-61. Link
- 40- Jobbágy EG, Vasallo M, Farley KA, Piñeiro G, Garbulsky MF, Nosetto MD, Jackson RB and JM Paruelo. 2006. Forestación en pastizales: hacia una visión integral de sus oportunidades y costos ecológicos. Agrociencia, Vol. X N°2:109-124. Link
- 39- Portela SI, Andriulo AE, Sasal MC, Mary BE and EG Jobbágy. 2006. Fertilizer vs. organic matter contributions to nitrogen leaching in cropping systems of the Pampas: 15N application in field lysimeters. Plant and Soil, 289(1-2):265-277. Link
- 38- Velasco RH, Juri Ayub J, Belli M and U Sansone. 2006. Interaction matrices as a first step toward a general model of radionuclide cycling: Application to the 137 Cs behavior ina a grassland ecosystem. Journal of Radionalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 268(3):503-509. Link
- 37- Nosetto MD, Jobbágy EG and JM Paruelo. 2006. Carbon sequestration in semiarid rangelands: Comparison of Pinus ponderosa plantations and grazing exclusion in NW Patagonia. Journal of Arid Environments, 67:142-156. Link
- 36- Di Bella CM, Jobbágy EG, Paruelo JM and S Pinnock. 2006. Continental fire density patterns in South America. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 15:192-199. Link
- 35- Nosetto MD, Jobbágy EG and JM Paruelo. 2005. Land use change and water losses: the case of grassland afforestation across a soil textural gradient in central Argentina. Global Change Biology, 11:1101-1117. Link
- 34- Farley KA, Jobbágy EG and RB Jackson. 2005. Effects of afforestation on water yield: A global synthesis with implications for policy. Global Change Biology, 11:1565–1576. Link
- 33- Jackson RB, Jobbágy EG, Avissar R, Roy SB, Barrett D, Cook CW, Farley KA, Le Maitre DC, McCarl BA and BC Murray. 2005. Trading water for carbon with biological carbon sequestration. Science, 310:1944-1947. Link
- 32- Jackson RB and EG Jobbágy. 2005. From Icy Roads to Salty Streams. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 102:14487-14488. Link
- 31- Clavijo MP, Nordenstahl M, Gundel PE and Jobbágy EG. 2005. Poplar afforestation effects on grassland structure and composition in the Flooding Pampas. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 58:474–479. Link
- 30- Engel V, Jobbágy EG, Stieglitz M, Williams M and RB Jackson. 2005. Hydrological consequences of Eucalyptus afforestation in the Argentine Pampas. Water Resources Research, 41:w10409. Link
- 29- Jackson RB, McCulley RL, Jobbágy EG and WT Pockman. 2004. Comment on: “A reservoir of nitrate beneath desert soils” by Walvoord MA et al. Science (comentario), 304:51. Link
- 28- Velasco H, Carreño E, Rodríguez M, Belli M and Sansone U. 2004. Radioecological software package: an interactive computational system to simulate the behaviour of radionuclides in semi-natural enviroments. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 73:223-230. Link
- 27- McCulley RL, Jobbágy EG, Pockman WT and RB Jackson. 2004. Nutrient uptake as a contributing explanation for deep rooting in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Oecologia, 141:620-628. Link
- 26- Velasco RH, Juri Ayub J, Belli M and U Sansone. 2004. Temporal trends of 137Cs and 40K activity flux from soil to plant in grassland ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 71(3):225-241. Link
- 25- Velasco H, Juri Ayub J, Belli M, y U Sansone. 2004. Modelado de los procesos de transporte vertical de radionúclidos en suelo y su transferencia a la vegetación en ecosistemas semi-naturales. Mecánica Computacional, 23:2949-2959. G. Buscaglia, E. Dari, O. Zamonsky Eds. Link
- 24- Jobbágy EG and RB Jackson. 2004. Groundwater use and salinization with grassland afforestation. Global Change Biology, 10:1299-1312. Link
- 23- Jobbágy EG and RB Jackson. 2004. The uplift of soil nutrients by plants: Biogeochemical consequences across scales. Ecology , 85(9):2380-2389. Link
- 22- Paruelo JM, Garbulsky MF, Guerschman JP and EG Jobbágy. 2004. Two decades of normalized difference vegetation index changes in South America: identifying the imprint of global change. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 25:2793- 2806. Link
- 21- Toso JP and RH Velasco. 2003. Tasa de dosis en aire debida a radionúclidos depositados en suelo en condiciones cercanas a las reales. ANALES AFA , 15: 294-297. Link
- 20- Ciuffo L, Velasco H, Belli M, and U Sansone. 2003. 137CS Soil-to-Plant Transfer for idividual species in a semi-natural grassland, influence of potassium soil content. Journal of Radiation Research, 44: 277-283. Link
- 19- Jobbágy EG and RB Jackson. 2003. Patterns and mechanisms of soil acidification in the conversion of grasslands to forests. Biogeochemistry, 54:205-229. Link
- 18- Ciuffo L, Belli M, Pasquale A, Menegon S and RH Velasco. 2002. 137Cs and 40K Soil-to-Plant relationship of in natural grassland of the Giulia Alps, Italy. The Science of the Total Environment, 295: 69-80. Link
- 17- Jackson RB, Banner JL, Jobbágy EG, Pockman WT and DH Wall. 2002. Ecosystem carbon loss with woody plant invasion of grasslands. Nature, 418:623-626. Link
- 16- Jobbágy EG, Sala OE and JM Paruelo. 2002. Patterns and controls of primary production in the Patagonian steppe: A remote sensing approach. Ecology , 83:307-319. Link
- 15- Toso JP and RH Velasco. 2001. Describing the observed vertical trasnport of radiocesium in specific soils with three time-dependent models. Journal of Enviromental Radioactivity, 53:133-144. Link
- 14- Velasco RH and JP Toso. 2001. Radiocesium in the Northeastern Part of Italy After the Chernobyl Accident: Vertical Soil Transport and Soil-to-Plant Transfer. Journal of Enviromental Radioactivity, 37(1):73-83. Link
- 13- Paruelo JM, Jobbágy EG and OE Sala. 2001. Current Distribution of Ecosystem Functional Types in Temperate South América. Ecosystems, 4:683–698. Link
- 12-Jobbágy EG and RB Jackson. 2001. The distribution of soil nutrients with depth: Global patterns and the imprint of plants. Biogeochemistry, 53:51-77. Link
- 11- Jobbágy EG and RB Jackson. 2000. Global controls of forest line elevation in the northern and southern hemispheres. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 9:253-268. Link
- 10- Jobbágy EG and RB Jackson. 2000. The vertical distribution of soil organic carbon and its relation to climate and vegetation. Ecological Applications, 10(2):423–436. Link
- 9- Jackson RB, Schenk HJ, Jobbágy EG, Canadell J, Colello GD, Dickinson RE, Dunne T, Field CB, Friedlingstein P, Heimann M, Hibbard K, Kicklighter DW, Kleidon A, Neilson RP, Parton WJ, Sala OE, and MT Sykes. 2000. Belowground consequences of vegetation change and their treatment in models. Ecological Applications, 10:470-483. Link
- 8- Jobbágy EG and Sala OE. 2000. Controls of grass and shrub aboveground production in the patagonian steppe. Ecological Applications, 10(2):541-549. Link
- 7- Paruelo JM, Jobbágy EG, Sala OE, Lauenroth WK and Burke IC. 1998. Functional and structural convergence of temperate grassland and shrubland ecosystems. Ecological Applications , 8(1):194-206. Link
- 6- Paruelo JM, Beltrán A, Jobbágy EG, Sala OE and Golluscio RA. 1998. The Climate of Patagonia: general patterns and controls on biotic processes. Ecología Austral, 8:85-101. Link
- 5- Paruelo JM, Jobbágy EG and OE Sala. 1998. Biozones of Patagonia (Argentina). Ecología Austral, 8:145-153. Link
- 4- Velasco H and Toso JP. 1997. Radiocesium in the Northeastern part of Italy after the Chernobyl accident: vertical soil transport and soil-to-plant transfer. Journal Environmental Radioactivity, 37:73-83. Link
- 3- Schulze ED, Mooney HA, Sala OE, EG Jobbágy, N Buchmann, G Bauer, J Canadell, RB Jackson, J Loreti, M Oesterheld and JR Ehleringer. 1996. Rooting depth, water availabilty, and vegetation zones along an aridity gradient in Patagonia. Oecologia , 108:503-511.Link
- 2- Jobbágy EG, Paruelo JM and RJC León. 1996. Vegetation heterogeneity and diversity in flat and mountain landscapes of Patagonia (Argentina). Journal of Vegetation Science, 7:599-608.Link
- 1- Jobbágy EG, Paruelo JM y RJC León. 1995. Estimación del régimen de precipitación a partir de la distancia a la cordillera en el noroeste de la Patagonia. Ecología Austral, 5:47-53.Link