Informes Técnicos
- Juri Ayub, J., Velasco H. y otros. 2012. Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety (EMRAS) - Summary Report of the Results of the EMRAS Programme (2003-2007). Technical Report Series IAEA-TECDOC 1678. IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency. November 2012. Páginas: 50. ISBN 978-92-0-129810-2.
- “Handbook of parameter values for the prediction of radionuclide transfer to humans in terrestrial and freshwater environments”. 2008. TRS – XXXX.IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency. In press. Páginas: 176. ISSN 0074-1914. ISBN en trámite.
- Aptitud forestal de la provincia de San Luis. 2007.
- Juri Ayub J, and Velasco RH. 2006. FINAL REPORT: a) Radionuclide transfer factor from soil to plant and b) Radionuclide vertical migration and distribution along soil profile in: tropical, subtropical and south American environments. International Atomic Energy Agency.- Contractual Service Agreement -BC: 5380 170 1010 H400731 Velasco 200541361 - Pers.No.: 132879. IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency. Link
- Jobbágy EG, Paruelo JM, Piñeiro G, Piñeiro D, Carámbula M, Morena V, Sarli V and A Altesor. 2005. Climate and land-use controls onecosystem functionning; Challenges and insights from the South, p 47-61.In: Annual Report 2003-2004. Inter American Institute for Global Change (IAI), San Jose dos Campos, Brazil. Link
- Velasco RH and N Merkis. Final Report 2000-2003. Research Collaboration Program: "Modelling enviromental Processes". Link
- Velasco RH. 2003. Research Collaboration Program. Modelling Environmental Processes". Presentación.